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Шукаємо амбасадорок проєкту “Голос жінки має силу 2020”

Конкурс на відбір Амбасадорок проєкту “Голос жінки має силу”
Шукаємо активних та цілеспрямованих жінок Луганської області, які мріють реалізувати власні ідеї та проекти, спрямовані на миротворення та покращення якості життя своєї громади.
Заявки приймаються до 8 квітня 2020 р, шляхом заповнення онлайн форми:
Що зможуть Амбасадорки?
📌Пройти навчання в Києві в одному з 5-ти тренінгів
📌Навчитися блогерству та методам успішного просування ідеї свого проєкту в соціальних мережах
📌Реалізувати в рамках проєкту власні ідеї та проекти, спрямовані на покращення якості життя своєї громади.
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📌 Стати учасницею національної мережі Амбасодорок проекту «Голос жінки має силу 2020»
Проєкт “Голос жінки має силу” у 2020 році  буде реалізуватися у 10 регіонах – Волинська, Дніпропетровська, Донецька, Запорізька, Луганська, Миколаївська, Полтавська, Сумська, Херсонська та Чернігівська області.
Проєкт з’явився як національна адвокаційна кампанія, котра працює задля того, аби голоси жінок і дівчат, передусім тих, хто постраждав на Сході України, не губилися в ході тривалого військового конфлікту в нашій державі. «Голос жінки», започаткований як навчання блогерства в 2017 році, поступово став міжрегіональною платформою для лідерів, готових до відновлення миру в Україні.
Метою проєкту є:
  • Установлення в суспільстві гендерної рівності як важливої умови сталого розвитку країни;
  • Забезпечення виконання в Україні умов Резолюції 1325 РБ ООН та досягнення цілей сталого розвитку до 2030 року;
  • Підтримка місцевих органів влади та неурядових організацій, що працюють на місцях, для забезпечення політичної, соціальної та економічної участі жінок у всіх суспільних процесах;
  • Розширення можливостей жінок та посилення їхніх голосів на місцевому рівні, створення простору для повноправної участі жінок з усієї України у вирішенні питань, пов’язаних з побудовою миру та встановленням безпеки на національному рівні;
  • Розвиток блогерства як інструмента впливу та каналу комунікації для цілей миротворчості;
  • Послаблення напруження та пом’якшення конфліктів у суспільстві шляхом спільної творчої діяльності;
  • Залучення до миротворчих процесів широкої аудиторії за допомогою художніх виставок, драматичних театрів, вуличних вистав, відеоблогів та інших арт-форматів.
☎️Телефон для довідок +380 (66) 065 81 25
Проєкт реалізується за підтримки Інституту міжнародних культурних зв’язків (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) та Міністерства закордонних справ Федеративної Республіки Німеччина. Громадська організація “Центр спільного розвитку “Дієва громада” регіональний координатор проєкту “Голос жінки має силу 2020” по Луганській області.




Голос жінки має силу 2020

Громадська організація “Центр спільного розвитку “Дієва громада” стала регіональним координатором по Луганській області проекту «Голос жінки має силу»

Проєкт з’явився як національна адвокаційна кампанія, котра працює задля того, аби голоси жінок і дівчат, передусім тих, хто постраждав на Сході України, не губилися в ході тривалого військового конфлікту в нашій державі.

Вже найближчим часом, разом з іншими потужними організаціями з 10 регіонів України, ми розпочинаємо реалізацію масштабного національного проекту спрямованого на розширення можливостей жінок, посилення їх голосів на місцевому рівні, встановлення гендерної рівності та побудову миру.

Запрошуємо до реалізації проєкту ЗМІ, представників влади та місцевого самоврядування, громадськість та активних жінок, які бажають стати амбасадорками або блогерками проєкту.

Дякуємо Фундація прав людини/Human Rights Foundation Ukraine www.uhrf.org за довіру та прекрасну можливість бути частиною неймовірної професійної та пристрасної команди однодумців.

Проект реалізується за підтримки Інституту міжнародних культурних зв’язків (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) та Міністерства закордонних справ Федеративної Республіки Німеччина.




Idea Space тур фильма “Путь к мечте” в Старобельске!

В Донецкой и Луганской областях снова пройдет тур образовательной платформы “IDEA SPACE”

Харьковская образовательная платформа «IDEA SPACE» проведет уже вторую серию бесплатных мастер-классов для активистов в 8 городах Донецкой и Луганской областей в апреле 2018 г. (більше…)

1xbet promo code

1xbet promo code

The players often ought to find additional funds to position the consecutive bets. The betting companies issue quality value bonuses for such gamblers. 1xbet is one of those firms that rewards loyal players more than any other. 1xbet marketing promotions allow the bettors to get funds to place high gambling bets.


The promo codes 1xbet can be found on company’ s official site. The promo codes get current regularly. The bettors can find new attractive offers every single day. New players are eligible to get a generous welcome bonus. Honours for highest bets on specific games are also produced daily. No matter what type of game the bettor decides to place a bet on, 1xbet customer always gets rewards.

Copy the promotional code, click on the signing up button and get a reward of 130 €!

The bettors have to make certain they enter valid promo codes during the process of bets placement. This is one of the standard conditions to get frequent codes promo 1xbet. The modern players have to enter a welcome bonus code at the final stage of a registration process. 1xbet bonus amount always will depend on client’ s status, documented deposit amount and the kind of a game the player wants to place a bet on.

What is 1xbet promo code?
The wagering classifies its codes promo 1xbet in two primary categories. The new players receive welcome bonuses. The long-time bettors are eligible to use various other promo code 1xbet. They are really regularly published on 1xbet official website.

1xbet promocode
The most common bonuses for new bettors are welcome bonuses. They are offered to the clients on the point when the players save a new account. Updated information on bonus amount is always on 1xbet official website. Allow me to share key award options the new bettor can benefit from:

100% deposit bonus. It is actually one of the most beneficial types of awards. The bettors, who have activate a first account produce an opportunity to use this promo code 1xbet. An amount of a deposit will be doubled immediately after the player describes on his account. The bettors are allowed to make a wager with this money. Players need to place 5 successive bets using accumulator gamble. Three markets at a minimum needs to have odds of 1 . 40 or higher. These conditions have to be achieved. The players can withdraw the winning straight away after it.
200% put in. Exclusive codes promo 1xbet provide the bettors an opportunity to obtain a deposit multiplied by 200%. The bettors have to abide by site updates to find code for this type of award. The overall conditions to use such code promo 1xbet are no different to fully award regulations.
No deposit award. This type of honors allows the players without enough funds to place the gambling bets on 1xbet official internet site. The company provides the players a way to start betting with no credit rating on an account. The bettors have to find a unique promo code 1xbet to have this type of an award.
The players from across the world are eligible to get pleasant bonuses. The bettors, who choose to use 1xbet mobile application are offered additional awards. Checklist of welcome awards is definitely open. The company issues brand-new codes promo 1xbet to help make the players place higher table bets.


1xbet promotions 2019: up to £ 130 for new players
1xbet introduces new awards to get the clients, who start off their journey in playing. 2019 sports bettors qualify to get a generous welcome bonus. The players, who place the deposit for the first time will have it doubled. 1xbet promotion of 2019 enables the players to get up to £ 130 to their bank account.

2019 exclusive promo will be granted to bettors on any type of a game title. Both sports and gaming bettors are eligible to gain from this advantageous 1xbet promo code. The players, who want to have this type of award, need to bring in a unique bonus code through the registration process.

1xbet bonus code
Interface of equally 1xbet website and 1xbet mobile is very user friendly. The field with the ‘ Promo code’ icon is evidently visible. It is situated with the very bottom of the subscription page. The bettors need to introduce the bonus code exactly in the same manner as it is visible on the website. The promo limitations often consist of lowercase and capital letters. The players ought to duplicate the code within a precise manner.

Advantageous bonus for a mobile download
The bettors find it very comfy to place bets from mobile phones. The interface of the iphone app is very easy to work on. The bettors can place the gambling bets within minutes. The list of available accolades is xbet canli also clearly visible.

The players, who use a mobile app are also eligible to get a high value award intended for mobile account registration. The terms and conditions for this type of bonus change regularly. The gamblers can get one of several award’ s options. Here is the list of the most frequent options:

More money value bonus. The players could get their deposit doubled. The bettors can place a put in as low as 20 Euro. Particular number of restrictions to a maximum added bonus amount the bettors could get. The players have to check updates on 1xbet official internet site.
Free gamble option. It is quite a valuable bonus offer for the bettors, who lack funds to continue with all the bets placement. 1xbet funds free bets to allow the bettors to get the winning.
Additional points. This choice is often granted to the players, who place large put in amounts. The points can be transformed into a money equivalent and the bettor has an opportunity to place bets with that cash.
1xbet promo
1xbet bookmaker develops new codes promo 1xbet on a regular basis. The gamblers have to follow news in 1xbet official website. The loyal clients of the gambling company can get personalised bonus deals. Every registered bettor contains a possibility to get a birthday promo code. The more the bettors plays with 1xbet, the bigger awards he is eligible to acquire. 1xbet values the loyalty of the bettors and incentives them continuously.

Take advantage of 1xbet app

Take advantage of 1xbet app

The bettors discover it quite comfortable to install an app from a favorite playing company to a device. 1xbet Nigeria apk is available free of charge on a company’ s webpage. The players have an opportunity to realize 1xbet free download for android and for an iOS device.

Placing wagers on 1xbet mobile variation has many advantages. It allows the bettors to guarantee continuously during the day no matter where they can be. The mobile app may be easily opened from one’ s phone. The bettors who decide to take an edge of 1xbet mobile version are also eligible to get 1xbet registration bonus. 1xbet app for mobiles can be downloaded coming from two places. The first option is to go Yahoo Play. This online store always has an updated version of 1xbet mobile app for android os. Alternatively, the bettors can easily download 1xbet app pertaining to android devices and 1xbet mobile iOS from the standard webpage of a betting company.

Get to know regarding 1xbet free app down load
1xbet provides the best services to their clients. It does not charge to get 1xbet mobile app download. Each new version of app has additional features. The interface of the program is extremely user-friendly. The bettors can make to use one of multiple different languages available.

A whole app 1xbet Nigeria analysis

1xbet software is fully compatible with all kinds of operating systems. The app’ ersus interface looks pretty much the same as the website page. The bettors can use all the functions that exist on the regular website. Players have an opportunity to register quickly using an app. Almost all players become eligible for 1xbet registration bonus. The interface of 1xbet app permits the bettors to register in a single of many different ways. They entail innovative ‘ one click’ type of registration as well as traditional email or phone signing up methods. 1xbet mobile login takes seconds. The system performs efficiently and allows a simple access to one player’ h account.

Procedure of account registration using 1xbet app

“” have a chance to open a forex account in many different ways after they perform 1xbet app download. Every method of registration works carefully. Here are the most commonly used choices:

Phone number alternative. This is a very efficient method of account registration. The player has to have a valid phone number to succeed 1xbet com mobile. The bettor needs to download 1xbet app and to create a pass word. The program will help to create a better password as well as a unique username. The bettor will get a code to confirm his identity. It will include several cifras, which can be valid for a limited time. The player has to introduce the code into the system. The past steps are quite simple types. The bettor needs to fill in personal data and monetary information.
E mail registration option. The bettors often choose this method of account creation. They find the confirmation letter to an e mail address. The player has to have an access to his email pack. The confirmation link will probably be active for some time only. The bettor has to follow the hyperlink as soon as possible and to confirm his identity. He will be able to choose account credentials and provide personal data. An important step is always to fill in the bank account facts and to place the deposit. Completion of these steps will allow the gambler to place the bet.
Social media registration method. It is also a fine way to register on 1xbet mobile type. The bettor has an chance to use his Facebook, Google+ or Vk profile for this specific purpose. These social media networks serve as confirmation sources. The player has to sign in using them. It automatically becomes a confirmation of his identity. After the basic identity check, the player has to get through an everyday registration process. He will need to fill in all personal and banking details.

One click. It is among the quickest ways to register an account after the player downloads 1xbet app. The bettor is only required to provide basic personal details. His account will be created within the seconds. The player who creates an account after 1xbet mobile bet down load will get a welcome bonus. He needs to introduce a unique promo code into the system. The welcome bonuses by 1xbet are always very beneficial. The bettors can get additional money to place the bet.

Become familiar with about 1xbet app to get Android

1xbet free download for Android is among the most popular options among the bettors. The app download process is not labor intensive. Within several clicks the bettor will get the program in his device. 1xbet cellular app for Android is actually a customized betting program meant for the players. It has numerous features that allow to get a gambler gaming experience. Here are checklist of advantages of this mobile app:

It facilitates full screen view. Regardless of on what device a gamer watches a game, he will manage to enjoy a fine large scale photo.
It offers much more than sports betting. The program allows to take pleasure from gambling activities as well.
The players have an opportunity to enjoy live streaming. This makes gambling experience even more exceptional.
The players can enjoy the virtually all popular casino games.
The process of 1xbet download is quite straightforward. Here are the true secret steps the bettor must take:

Down load an application to an Android device. The bettors also have a possibility to download the program to a TV box.
Click ‘ Install’ press button.. The program will get downloaded into a device.
Start account registration.
As soon as the registration process is finished, the player can start placing gambling bets.

How to sign-up on 1xbet app
1xbet allows a quick and efficient registration procedure. The bettors have an chance to choose one of the following registration options: “ email”, ‘ phone number’, ‘ sociable media’ or ‘ a single click’. Each of posted methods allows the gamblers to have an access to all top features of an app and to get pleasure from top bonuses.

The login process with 1xBet mobile

1xbet mobile login procedure allows the bettors to log into a personal account within several minutes. The players need to introduce the account experience into the systems. They include a user name and a password. It can happen the bettors do not remember the password. In such a case the bettor can request a new one. There are two different ways of how the system will change the password:

It will send an email to a bettor. It will consist of an active link to a new web page. The bettor will be offered an opportunity to change a pass word there.
This software will send an sms to a bettor’ s phone number. The sms will contain a short-term password that the bettor can change it.
The login process to 1xbet mobile does not require enough time. The company made everything possible to ensure the best technical circumstances of the system.

The most common deposit and revulsion methods
The bettors want to place the deposit and withdraw the winning as quickly as possible. 1xbet offers you such a chance. The bettors can place a deposit in one of two ways:

Transfer via a payment system. 1xbet cooperates with the majority of reputable payment companies. The gamblers can choose to place a wager using Qiwi or Webmoney services. It is one of the most useful ways to execute the repayment. Money will be transferred inside several minutes.
It is also possible to make a transfer from a personal bank account. When this occurs it will take several days.
The same payment strategies can be used to withdraw the receiving. The bettors of 1xbet can withdraw both minor and major amounts of money. In order to take away a big winning it is always preferable to rely on banks’ services.

How to get 1xbet portable bonus

The modern bettors who realize 1xbet app download have a chance to get a welcome bonus. Before it, the player has to go through almost all stages of the registration process. When the final stage takes place and the player places a deposit, he will get a unique promo code. The conditions of getting a mobile bonus change from occasionally. The clients may get a set amount of money as the merit. Another type of bonus may include a 100% double first repayment.
